Well, now that I have all my pairings figured out for breeding, the foal-naming process begins in earnest.
I originally dubbed my stable "The Superheroes of Racing" because of my penchant for choosing superhero names from the DC and Marvel Universes. For the last couple of years, I've found it tougher and tougher to find names I liked, so I've been branching out a bit into heroic and infamous historical and literary figures. That is where names like Charlemagne, Kit Fisto, Boudica, and Jack the Ripper came from.
I've got several picked out for this year already, and I ran them by my wife to test the waters. Some passed that litmus test and others did not. She felt a couple were too pretentious. One in particular that she did not like was "The Golden One".
I recently finished a 3-book series (historical fiction) on the Trojan War. In these books, there was a character named Helikaon, who was an ally of King Priam of Troy. He was so gifted in every way that he was said to be favored by the gods, hence his nickname of "The Golden One". I admired the character and thought the name was fitting for a racing thoroughbred.
So, because my vote is the only one that counts (with regard to Otsego Farms), The Golden One passes muster and will be another colt name for 2015.