Otsego Farms owner Jim Webber is sitting at his desk going over potential pairings for the next breeding season...
JW (thinking to himself): I think I'd like Union Jack and Shattered Record together again. You Know My Name has worked out pretty well so far...
Secretary (on intercom): Mr. Webber? You have a call on line one.
JW: Who is it Celeste?
Secretary: It's Amanda. She wants you to come to London next week.
JW: Thanks. (picks up call) Mandy? How are you?
A: Just smashing Jim. Thanks for taking my call.
JW: No problem. What can I do for you?
A: Any chance you can pop over to Bally Doyle next week?
JW: Business or pleasure?
A: Business of course!

JW: I'd love to Amanda but I'm going to be in Dubai all next week.
A: Dubai? This time of year? Whatever for?
JW: Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum has asked me to be his child's Godfather.
A: Really? Does the Muslim faith allow for that?
JW: I think they are making a special allowance in my case.
A: Well, tell the Sheik I said hello. I met him at the UAE Derby a couple years ago.
JW: Will do. Listen Amanda, I'm sorry to cut you off, but I really have to run.
A: OK. Give me a ring when you get back.
JW: I will. Cya!
A: Toodles!
JW (into intercom): Celeste? Can you hold my calls for the next hour or so?
Secretary: Sure, except you've got an urgent call on line two right now. He's been holding.
JW: Who?
Secretary: It's Ryan Okerstom of Spartan.
JW (as he pushes the button for line 2): Dammit! What in the Hell does that.... Ryan! Buddy! What's up?
R: I just wanted to know if you're going to the Belmont this year?
JW: I sure am. I might even drop in Azrael as a late entry, but either way I'll be there.
R: Sweet! We've shipped Theorist already. Umm.... how are you getting there.
JW: The jet. How else? Ahhh... you're looking for a lift huh?
R: You're a mindreader bud.
JW: Yeah right. OK no problemo, I can pick you and Karie up at Metro Airport easily enough. Can I transfer you to my secretary to make the arrangements? I'm kinda busy at the moment.
R: Sure. Thanks alot Jim. We'll see you in a couple weeks.
JW: Allrighty. See ya Ryan. Hang on a sec... (transfers call back to Celeste) Celeste? Can you figure out the logistics of picking up Ryan at Metro when I fly to the Belmont? He's still on the line. Thanks.
JW (thinking to himself again): Jeez. Where was I? Oh yeah, Union Jack and Shattered Record. All I need to do now is find a stud for Domino and I'll be all set...