My legs are killing me.
I got back into running about 2 years ago. My oldest son, who is a hard core runner, convinced me to get started running again as a way to lose a little weight. I wasn't all that heavy at the time, maybe 185 lbs which is not too bad at 6 feet tall. But I felt that I could stand to lose a few pounds, so I decided to give it a try.
It was pretty tough at first, but I've been able to get my long runs runs up to 13 miles so far.
My son told me that I could improve my 5k race times by changing my running style. Evidently, I am a classic heel-toe runner. In other words, I land on my heel with each stride, then roll the foot and push off with the toes.
This is bad for 3 reasons:
- Your foot stays on the ground a long time which causes friction and slows you down.
- Landing on your heel with your leg in front of your body mass causes a braking effect with every stride.
- Landing on your heel is a jolt to your body, causing joint and ankle issues.
So, I decided to change my running style to the Pose Technique. It really is a superior way to run. It is much easier on the body and more economical effort-wise. But, it requires a departure from the heel-toe method. You have to land on the ball of your feet, in other words, pretty much on your toes. "Beware", they cautioned, "you may have some soreness in your calves during the first couple weeks".
I basically can't walk. My calves are like a pair of cannonballs.
Anyway, I thought I'd pass on the info on Pose Running for anyone who runs and wants to look at this system. Now, where is that Bengay?
hows the legs now!? - Amanda
Well, I can walk again.
Actually, I'm pretty much back to normal now. I'm slowly transitioning to the Pose Technique. It's actually a bit tricky to pick up.
Thanks for asking Amanda.
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