I'd like to acquire a veteran male or mare with a good reputation.
Perhaps you've got a horse that you think may be on the decline and you'd like to clear a stall now? Maybe it's a 3yo or 4yo who hasn't fully matured yet and you're tired of waiting?
Either way, I may be in the market if you've got an appropriate horse that captures my interest. Please don't be offended if we differ in our interpretation of what constitutes a good rep. I bought Big Easy and King of the Sea, and tried to buy Landscaper because I thought they fit that description.
In addition to cash, I have one breeding remaining to War Machine in 2010 that I will hold, which can be part of the deal if that is desirable.
If you have a possibility, please contact me via email at mvpcandidate@charter.net and we'll discuss.
If I didn't love Landscaper so much and if he wasn't the only horse that I have that will consistantly bring me a check I would be more than willing to part with him.
But as it is I am not. Sorry.
Ali@ Mythica
I'm glad you got him Ali. He's a good horse who deserved to run another season.
I've been watching him...and wishing he was mine! :)
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