There has been quite a bit of discussion lately centered on our new crop of 2yo's.
It is the largest group of new racers ever to grace the tracks and stables of Photo-Finish, and the sheer size of this freshman class of horses is causing problems.
We have had just six 2yo races thus far. They have had fields of 20,20,20,19,18,18.
There will be five more 2yo races this weekend. If nothing changes, those fields will be 20,20,20,19,16.
That makes 11 races with an average field size of 19.1 horses.
I'm sure that all of those horses are not maturing early, so many of them shouldn't even be racing yet. But, I do understand the excitement that causes many of us to get those colts and fillies running as soon as possible because I've made every mistake you can possibly make in this game.
However, one mistake I'm not going to make anymore will be running my 2yo's too early. Our stable has made the decision to hold all 2yo's off the track until July 1st each season, whether they are maturing early or not.
I see a couple benefits from this strategy....
It is the largest group of new racers ever to grace the tracks and stables of Photo-Finish, and the sheer size of this freshman class of horses is causing problems.
We have had just six 2yo races thus far. They have had fields of 20,20,20,19,18,18.
There will be five more 2yo races this weekend. If nothing changes, those fields will be 20,20,20,19,16.
That makes 11 races with an average field size of 19.1 horses.
I'm sure that all of those horses are not maturing early, so many of them shouldn't even be racing yet. But, I do understand the excitement that causes many of us to get those colts and fillies running as soon as possible because I've made every mistake you can possibly make in this game.
However, one mistake I'm not going to make anymore will be running my 2yo's too early. Our stable has made the decision to hold all 2yo's off the track until July 1st each season, whether they are maturing early or not.
I see a couple benefits from this strategy....
- Avoid 20 horse fields as much as possible
- Avoid early and possibly unfair judgements, which may lead to disassociation with a particular horse
The 2yo's I have are:
- Bane - Matures quickly. Likes a lot of distance.
- Born to Fly - Matures quickly. Sprinter.
- Quicksilver - Matures quickly. Sprinter.
- Rogue - Matures quickly. Classic distances.
They could all be running early this season, and in fact I did try to enter a couple, but quickly pulled them when the fields got out of hand. They will all continue to train hard, but will not see the track until high summer.
Salve Jim,
il debutto dei 2 anni è sempre un incognita, certamente devono correre i cavalli "mature quickly", anche se mature quickly è generico, dato che un cavallo è considerato mature quickly anche se raggiunge il massimo solo a tre anni, quindi questi nella carriera a 2 anni in effetti è ancora acerbo.
Io adotto questo sistema, i cavalli mature quickly li faccio correre subito appena possibile, per vedere, anche basandomi sulla valutazione HRfan speed and stamina, quale sia il loro valore, poi dobbiamo essere noi a capire se sono buoni o cattivi o se precoci o tardivi e ovviamente una buona dose di fortuna!!.
In questa stagione hanno corso finora 6 dei miei 2yo e la mia valutazione è questa:
Brusco Risveglio 15 di 20 Good Fair 9/2 era tra i favoriti da rivedere
Bizzarro Episodio 15 di 20 Eccellent Fair 33/1 anonimo aspettare qualche mese su distanze più lunghe
Bagliore Notturno 8 di 18 Eccellent Fair 33/1 sempre tra i primi su distanza classica sembra un buon cavallo
Fistfull of Dollar 18 di 20 Very Good Fair 31/1 sempre dietro sembra ancora acerbo, ma probabilmente è cavallo modesto
Ride the Lightning 3 di 18 Eccellent Fair 7/1 ottima, sempre tra i primi su distanza corta per lei sarà un ottima filly sulla distanza classica
Borgata Romana 1 di 19 Eccellent Fair 9/5 già pronta per grandi corse!! mi sembra proprio un grande sprinter già maturo
Ciao alla prossima
7:28 AM
Non fido delle valutazioni di HRF per la velocità e la tenacia. Non sono sempre esatti, dunque non uso per che loro valutare i miei cavalli. Per esempio, Promised Land ha avuto la tenacia ha valutato i Poveri.
Lei ha una coppia molto piacevole 2 anno vecchio Ettore. Spero che il continua a fare buono.
"I'm sure that all of those horses are not maturing early, so many of them shouldn't even be racing yet. "
Jim, I would just like to point out that in my stable alone I have 11 2 yr olds that are early maturing!! I really don't think it is far fetched at all to believe that most of these horses are indeed early maturers.
Since you have 4 early maturers yourself, my money is betting that more horses mature early rather than late. So why not test them out. But thats just a guess. :)
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