In an effort to forestall disappointment for as long as possible, we decided to refrain from racing our 2yo's until July. The idea was to avoid the chaos of all the 20-horse fields.
It is now mid-May in our racing season, and my resolve is waning.
My 3yo crop has been unsuccessful thus far. Big Slick, who carried our highest hopes, has been mediocre in nine career starts. Mister Fantastic is maturing slowly so I really can't count on him for 2010. In an effort to bolster my 3yo ranks, I picked up two underachieving colts, Chancellorsville, and Majestic Song, in the hope that they would blossom under my tutelage. Nary a win among the entire group as of yet.
My point? I'm currently not getting satisfaction from my 3yo crop, so I continue to look yearningly at my 2yo's. The question is, can I hold out until July?
That is my plan, however, I just might deviate if the right circumstances arise.
I've been keeping an eye on the 2yo fields. If a particular Thursday night rolls around and I spot a small field, I just might pop one of my youngsters in there.
All four 2yo's are maturing early, so they may be ready. Bane, Born to Fly, Quicksilver, and Rogue, are chomping at the bit.
Bane is our second colt by Nightwing, so he is a sentimental favorite. Hopefully he can fare better than Night Thrasher, Nightwing's first Otsego colt now owned by Laurabelle Racing, who has yet to find his way.
Of course, our strongest hope is that Rogue can develop into a champion like her sire, War Machine. Her AR is actually superior to the big fella, but they have been known to be inaccurate, haven't they? Being our first WM offspring, she is special to us, and it would be a monumental disappointment if she did not do well.
Quicksilver, the black colt by Champ, and Born to Fly by Affirmation round out my 2yo's.
As of now, I'm waiting...and hating it. But don't bet your house on me making it to July without at least one of these horses hitting the track.