Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune by acquiring unraced horses and veteran racers.
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles by simply breeding a multitude of foals myself.
I have always considered Otsego Farms to be primarily a racing stable. Illustrating that fact is my less than prolific 18 total foals produced, even though the 2012 racing season will be my 10th in Photo Finish.
I bring this up because I am on the threshold of changing my breeding strategy. Under my current system, I breed few horses and I have to constantly replenish my stable with racing-age horses. Frankly, it's a bit of a grind because it's not always easy to acquire talented veteran racers. For some reason, people don't always want to give them up. Unraced 2yo's are a rare and sometimes expensive commodity as well. So, every year, I find myself scrambling to secure a stable full of solid racers.
I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that it may be best to ramp up foal production to around 10 foals per season, give or take. This would ensure a steady stream of racers. With this kind of influx, I wouldn't have to constantly be on the lookout for racing stock.
I like the idea but I'm still thinking about it. There are many factors to consider. I'll sleep on it.
To sleep: perchance to dream of Photo-Finish domination......
I have always considered Otsego Farms to be primarily a racing stable. Illustrating that fact is my less than prolific 18 total foals produced, even though the 2012 racing season will be my 10th in Photo Finish.
I bring this up because I am on the threshold of changing my breeding strategy. Under my current system, I breed few horses and I have to constantly replenish my stable with racing-age horses. Frankly, it's a bit of a grind because it's not always easy to acquire talented veteran racers. For some reason, people don't always want to give them up. Unraced 2yo's are a rare and sometimes expensive commodity as well. So, every year, I find myself scrambling to secure a stable full of solid racers.
I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that it may be best to ramp up foal production to around 10 foals per season, give or take. This would ensure a steady stream of racers. With this kind of influx, I wouldn't have to constantly be on the lookout for racing stock.
I like the idea but I'm still thinking about it. There are many factors to consider. I'll sleep on it.
To sleep: perchance to dream of Photo-Finish domination......
Exactly right there Mr Jim ... Breed ya lil ass off if u want good foals as u most likely wont buy them .. I figured out pretty early on the only way to get good foals is to breed them ... Nice to see u going to breed a few more
I think you are making a big step in the right direction. It's harder to find good broodmares but when you get them they have a lot longer shelf life than the racers do. Good luck and let me know if you need me to leave any more stall doors open.
My thinking exactly bro. I'll be on the lookout for about three more broodmares. If Immortal retires after next season, that'll then give me 8. I'll try to get to 10 broodmares by 2013.
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