When I first started at PF, I loved studying my AR's. They were the real deal back in those days too, with triple the information we get now.
The only problem was realism. When a foal is born, it doesn't come out with a tag on it's neck saying "I have a mind of my own" or "I have average ratability". That kind of thing has to be figured out by looking at the parents, and by what you observe on the track.
Plus there was so much information that many owners were making snap decisions about horses and shipping them out unraced, based solely on what they determined to be a "bad AR".
After much discussion and debate, Laurie decided to streamline the AR with just enough information to guide you on the horse surface and distance preferences.
Now I'm wondering if they should be further condensed to just surface preferences, or perhaps eliminated entirely?
My reason for this line of thought is Zach Attack, the 3yo colt from Laurabelle Racing. This fellow has illustrious parents in War Machine and Azeri. With that sire and dam, you'd think the foal would prefer running in the 8-10 furlong range. However, his AR states that he is a sprinter and that thinking is further bolstered by the POOR stamina rating that is assigned by the HRF game.
Pointgiven Stables, the breeder and original owner, followed those recommendations judiciously, running Zach Attack strictly between 4 and 6 furlongs with very little success. This is not an indictment of Pointgiven, as he was simply playing with the cards that he thought he was dealt. Eventually, frustrated by a seeming lack of talent, Pointgiven sent Zach Attack to Pearly Gates Farm for $31,000.
Zack Attack continued to perform in a mostly lackadaisical manner until he was allowed to run a little more distance. He cranked out an 86 PSR at 8.5 furlongs, then followed that up with a 95 PSR at 9 furlongs in the Wood Memorial. Hmmm....
His continued improvement went on the shelf for a couple months as Pearly Gates closed up shop. Enter Laurabelle, who noticed the breeding and the improvement as the distances got longer. He bought Zach Attack for $10,000 and entered him in the 9 furlong Grade One Swaps Stakes. The rest, as they say, is history.
He won, and earned a cool $300,000.
A sprinter? I think not.
I dont think AR`s should be eliminated completely but i think ratability and soundness should be eliminated there totally worthless ... I have 2 horses that say they shouldnt get injured but what do u know both got injured in there 1st starts , 1 its 1st start as a 2yo and the other 1st start as a 3yo .. I think it should just be mature rate , peak , surfaces , distance thats it ... Saying that my Braveheart x Child Of War colt Undertaker says " likes alot of distance " but he will neva get past 7-8f he dosnt have the stamina
Depends what you mean. My AR for WinWinWin says stayer but that could just mean he handles the distance. His record below 10f has been much more impressive then his staying record this year...
Josh K
I guess it boils down to, "what are they good at?". I really don't care that my horse can handle the distance if he sucks at it. I want to know what he's best at and that can only be figured out by racing him.
Perhaps the AR should have surface preference and best distance?
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