War Machine. Nightwing. Union Jack. Three successful fighters who were capable of going the distance.
War Machine usually delivered his knockout punch early. Wire-to-wire wins were his stock in trade.
Nightwing got stronger in the late rounds. When the competition was getting leg weary, The Iron Horse would land a haymaker and blow past his rubber-legged competition.
Union Jack was the quiet assassin. Never the flamboyant superstar, he would simply lull the competition into complacency, then outpoint them for the victory.
All three were stayers. All three were stars. Wonder why more stables haven't made arrangements to their send breeding mares to Otsego Farms?
Not including internal Otsego spots, War Machine has 6 bookings, Nightwing has 2, and Union Jack has just one.
"Frankly, it's preposterous", Otsego owner Jim Webber recently exclaimed, then softened a bit and continued, "It's really my own fault though because I have done absolutely no advertising, nor do I intend to."
Webber continued, "These guys were all heavyweight champs and they should be getting a full book every year, but it's really no problem. We don't charge for the spots anyway. We typically trade breeding rights in order to acquire the studs we want. That's how we got our Run Missy Run, Jenny's My Gal, and Doomsday slots this year, so it's worked out pretty well."
When asked about his own breeding plans this year, Webber shrugged and said, "That's all for today fella's. I gotta fly. I'm off to the gym for a half hour on the heavy bag." Then he motioned to a passing Otsego groom and chuckled, "Hey Mitch, you got that picture of LaFleur taped on that bag yet?"
War Machine usually delivered his knockout punch early. Wire-to-wire wins were his stock in trade.
Nightwing got stronger in the late rounds. When the competition was getting leg weary, The Iron Horse would land a haymaker and blow past his rubber-legged competition.
Union Jack was the quiet assassin. Never the flamboyant superstar, he would simply lull the competition into complacency, then outpoint them for the victory.
All three were stayers. All three were stars. Wonder why more stables haven't made arrangements to their send breeding mares to Otsego Farms?
Not including internal Otsego spots, War Machine has 6 bookings, Nightwing has 2, and Union Jack has just one.
"Frankly, it's preposterous", Otsego owner Jim Webber recently exclaimed, then softened a bit and continued, "It's really my own fault though because I have done absolutely no advertising, nor do I intend to."
Webber continued, "These guys were all heavyweight champs and they should be getting a full book every year, but it's really no problem. We don't charge for the spots anyway. We typically trade breeding rights in order to acquire the studs we want. That's how we got our Run Missy Run, Jenny's My Gal, and Doomsday slots this year, so it's worked out pretty well."
When asked about his own breeding plans this year, Webber shrugged and said, "That's all for today fella's. I gotta fly. I'm off to the gym for a half hour on the heavy bag." Then he motioned to a passing Otsego groom and chuckled, "Hey Mitch, you got that picture of LaFleur taped on that bag yet?"
"Hey Mitch, you got that picture of LaFleur taped on that bag yet?"
Hahahah Jim
I love reading your blog its always funny
Its coz 99% of Americans bred for speed rather than distance - remember the BC Marathon - all 12f of it!!
You asked why mores stables arent booking to your stallions, well here is my two cents of an answer.
Honestly Jim, I think you did yourself in when you limited your stallions to 5 breeds each total a season, starting with WM. For those that wanted to use him, they had to wait in line, some for two season, some may have given up trying to get one, or could only get one if they traded with an equally good stallion which all people do not have, and others still yet put off by the fact you limited him anyway so when breeding season begins they dont even look in your stables direction anymore or perhaps they are just confused now as to if they are really available or not. Your stallions are excellent Jim, no doubt about thier performances or star status, but since they were so limited in the past perhaps you should advertise a little now, maybe the fact they are not getting a full book every year lies with how you started off your breeding to WM. Your stallions had a big crops last year, so maybe they threw all sprinters and no one wants to breed back.... just joking!! pmsl. I am sending one mare to WM this year anway, and honestly I want to use my own long distance stallin over your two, this year anyhow.
A well-thought response Crista, and probably more correct than not.
However, I must admit that my question, "why aren't they being used?" was purely rhetorical and strictly for entertainment purposes. I don't care if anyone uses them or not. I really haven't charged at all for them for a couple years now. I just give them away to friendly stables in trades, for breeding rights, or for future considerations.
And, just for clarification, my boys don't throw sprinters. Here are my last two batches, by distance preference:
Crossbones (Nightwing) - CLASSIC
House of M (War Machine) - DISTANCE
War Hammer (War Machine) - DISTANCE
Azrael (Nightwing) - CLASSIC
Captain Britain (Union Jack) - DISTANCE
Deep Magic (War Machine) - MILER
Kit Fisto (War Machine) - DISTANCE
You Know My Name (Union Jack) - CLASSIC
My response was purely rhetorical and strictly for entertainment purposes in respsone to your "purely rhetorical and strictly for entertainment purposes" question. ;-)
In others words I had some time to spare and thought I would poke at you some.
And by the way....dont throw sprinters my arse.... I breed to WM previously, mare with a long distance AR, I got a sprinter colt.
Demon Within (War Machine) - SPRINTER!
Honestly I woulndt have minded if he could actually run! PMSL.
This year however, I am glad to say I have a much more suitable mare to send to WM in Kagura. She prefers dirt, was classic distance, has better PSRs, and she has a career peak to offset WM single season one. Good dirt mares are a bit harder to come by I think.
I am hoping for one that can run this time Jim.
Ahhh yes. Demon Within. The worst horse ever to run in the Kentucky Derby.
In his defense, the dam Solstice wasn't exactly a worldbeater, and that 25% random factor does raise it's ugly head on occasion.
Yeah I know... that was also the worst decision in PF history, for whatever reason. I felt bad for the horse!
No Solstice was def nothing special, but she did earn a little and darn the random factor, but then again each horse isn't going to be just like dam/sire in real life either so I expect the same in PF. Demon had a nice AR, but that was all.
Ima smack her Jim i love all my foals from your stallions and the worst i have is a " miler " from WM x Worldwide Elise but even she can run on anything
I am going to keep using WM i know there is monster foals in him
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