
Sunday, July 01, 2007

New race card - An opinion

I think I like it.

No, I'm sure that I like it.

The old system needed to be overhauled for the following two reasons:

  1. Unrealistic in that you had no idea who might show up for what race.
  2. Tedious for Laurie, who had to manually process all of the scratch/transfer conditions.
The blind card led to several problems, the most severe of which was the myriad conditions that Laurie had to deal with. As owners searched for the small fields, the scratch conditions got very complex and tangled. I'm sure Laurie had to revisit each race several times, wrestling with the logic and trying to finalize the field. Now that the fields are open for scrutiny, the scratch instructions will be limited to primarily track conditions, lightening Lauries load considerably.

Also, the blind card could cause consternation for owners expecting an appropriate field for a G3 race only to find an unexpected ringer entered in the small pursed race. With the open card, if you see a horse you don't want to face, you've got time to reschedule.

Plus, It's how it's done in real life and I'm always a fan of realism.

So....I'm liking it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree alot with this one .... AB doesn't need to put up with that little upstart JMG at this stage of his career ;)