Making his way to Nad Al Sheba to attend the lucrative Dubai races, Otsego Farms owner Jim Webber stopped over in Navarre, Spain to witness an encierro; the running of the bulls.
Evidently not merely content to be a spectator, Jim was photographed hopping out of his Aston Martin and joining the run.
Jim was also in Spain to visit the principals at Yeguada Lore Toki, home of the great 2-miler Domitila. Veteran Otsego racer, Union Jack is concentrating on 16 furlong races this year and it is believed that Webber was wanting to discuss the training methods that Yeguada employed when Domitila was racing.
"I called Rafa from my Lear 45 while mid-Atlantic. He was very gracious and cleared his schedule to accomodate me."
When asked about his apparent lack of self-preservation by entering the encierro, Webber commented, "I was in a tight spot a couple times, no question about that. I literally had to grab one fellows horns and ride him like my Harley for a block or two."
Webber went on to state that he will be meeting several other Photo-Finish stable owners at the Burj Al Arab Hotel in a couple of weeks. "It'll be crazy fun. Trust me on that."
Evidently not merely content to be a spectator, Jim was photographed hopping out of his Aston Martin and joining the run.
Jim was also in Spain to visit the principals at Yeguada Lore Toki, home of the great 2-miler Domitila. Veteran Otsego racer, Union Jack is concentrating on 16 furlong races this year and it is believed that Webber was wanting to discuss the training methods that Yeguada employed when Domitila was racing.
"I called Rafa from my Lear 45 while mid-Atlantic. He was very gracious and cleared his schedule to accomodate me."
When asked about his apparent lack of self-preservation by entering the encierro, Webber commented, "I was in a tight spot a couple times, no question about that. I literally had to grab one fellows horns and ride him like my Harley for a block or two."
Webber went on to state that he will be meeting several other Photo-Finish stable owners at the Burj Al Arab Hotel in a couple of weeks. "It'll be crazy fun. Trust me on that."
What time we meeting in the bar? And can Nancy charge her drinks to your room?!
Just mention that you are a guest of Mr. Webber.
Hey Jim
dont worry about Chansellorville
Ive bought him
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