I have named, reconsidered, and renamed my five forthcoming foals a dozen times. You may ask, why does he vacillate on something as trivial as a name?
I've commented on this blog and in the forum that names are very important to me. So much so, that I have actually purchased horses based on their names alone. The most recent example of this propensity of mine was the acquisition of the 2yo filly Katana. I am known as Samurai Jack in many fantasy sports leagues and as soon as I saw that Katana was available, I coveted her. It seemed to me that destiny was beckoning.
I have been all over the map on names for the War Machine x Isca's Revenge foal. First I chose strong Superhero names, as is my custom. Later I decided on a more whimsical approach, picking Admiral Boom and Cat Ballou, both names from the silver screen. As of yesterday, I have changed my plan once again, picking the Narnia-inspired Deep Magic as the name, regardless of sex.
I'll definitely stick with the Star Wars Jedi names, Kit Fisto and Shaak Ti for the War Machine x In Spirit foal. But I am reconsidering the names I picked for Union Jack x Shattered Record. Caius Britainnicus and Britainnia have lost their luster.
I'll think of something. It's what I do.
I've commented on this blog and in the forum that names are very important to me. So much so, that I have actually purchased horses based on their names alone. The most recent example of this propensity of mine was the acquisition of the 2yo filly Katana. I am known as Samurai Jack in many fantasy sports leagues and as soon as I saw that Katana was available, I coveted her. It seemed to me that destiny was beckoning.
I have been all over the map on names for the War Machine x Isca's Revenge foal. First I chose strong Superhero names, as is my custom. Later I decided on a more whimsical approach, picking Admiral Boom and Cat Ballou, both names from the silver screen. As of yesterday, I have changed my plan once again, picking the Narnia-inspired Deep Magic as the name, regardless of sex.
I'll definitely stick with the Star Wars Jedi names, Kit Fisto and Shaak Ti for the War Machine x In Spirit foal. But I am reconsidering the names I picked for Union Jack x Shattered Record. Caius Britainnicus and Britainnia have lost their luster.
I'll think of something. It's what I do.
You dont know how hard it is for me to come up wtih something really original year after year!! So far on my third draft of names......
....Anche per me il nome è molto importante, io ho scelto i nomi dei miei foals, ordine alfabetico per stagione, da frasi, aggettivi o sostantivi in lingua italiana con qualche "licenza" nel dialetto della mia città (Ciau Pepp = Ciao Giuseppe, Du de Picch = Due di Picche, Facia de Tola = Faccia di Bronzo). Adesso ho pensato anche ad un anagramma dei nomi dei genitori, Mutaman x Fine Motion sarà Fitominneo Matumma.
Good Year!!(2009 and 2012)
Vedendo i nomi in italiano aggiunge alcune internazionale "sapore" al gioco Ettore. Ho sempre come il modo in cui i nomi guardare.
Spero che tutto va bene per voi, il mio amico.
Yes i find it hard to come up with names kinda the reason i got stables to give me names etc on the forum .. I know Crystal changes hers alot alot as in every day hahahaha
Also, I see that Britainnia has already been used, although it was spelled a bit differently.
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