
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Patience or Cut and Run?

For most of us, the purpose of this game is to race.

We wait impatiently for that foal to turn two so we can get him to the track. If his AR happens to say that he is slow to mature, that is ignored. After all, we've been waiting for a year in real time to race the hotshot foal from that killer sire and dam combination.

It takes a steel resolve to hold off and not race a slow maturing 2yo. Most of us cannot do it.

We race the colts and fillies, even if we have a pretty good idea that they will not mature until they are 3 or even 4 years old.

In these cases, we are usually disappointed in the results. The off-the-board finishes start to pile up. Four, Five, Six starts out of the money. Next stop for the immature underachieving horse? For Sale in the forum.

I'm not trying to be sanctimonious here, I've fallen prey to this scenario myself.

So, what should we do? Should we exercise patience and leave the slow maturing horse on the shelf, maybe for their entire 2yo season? Or, should we throw him to the wolves, then find him a new home if he fails?

Very tough choice. After all, the horse is occupying a stall, which costs money. Naturally, we want to get him on the track so that we can begin to recoup our investment.

I've decided that I am going to try to use restraint in the future. Take my 2yo colt Firefighter for example. You really couldn't ask for a prettier AR. But, he is slow to mature.

As a result, I've raced him just twice this season. I just wanted to see if he had anything to offer as an immature 2yo. The answer is an emphatic no.

Therefore, my decision is to stop racing him this year. I'll bring him back as a fresh 3yo next season with big expectations. He'll get an extended trial then and if he still fails to produce any encouraging results, he'll get shipped out. After all this is a business right?

If I can find the strength, I'm going to completely refrain from running immature 2yo's. I've has some success with unraced 3yo's in the past, namely Nightwing and Doomsday, so I'm inclined to think that holding off until age 3 may not necessarily be a bad thing.

Time will tell....but I hate waiting.

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