
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Need some help?

This post probably won't make me any friends. And I'm probably chopping my own head off by continually bringing up this subject. But....

We've got to find a way to shorten, at least by half, the excruciatingly long off-season.

I understand that Laurie is virtually a one-man show as far as running and administering Photo-Finish. And, I applaud her efforts and determination. The amount of manual labor to keep Photo-Finish running during the racing season is staggering and I know that I couldn't do it.

Then the off-season looms with the awards, the reports, the auctions, the retirements, the breeding, the foals, and their AR's. It's a monumental amount of work and it obviously takes a single person about 3 months to do it.

However, a 3 month off-season after every 6 months of racing is simply unacceptable.

I have heard a few other people comment on the overlong off-season, but there really hasn't been any serious complaining. This makes me wonder if I'm on a one-man mission.

I'd like to see something done about it. Does anyone else feel the same way?

Keep in mind, I'm not criticising Laurie. She does a pretty remarkable job considering that she is just one person.

My suggestion is that we make that one person, three people. Or maybe five people.

I'm not suggesting that Laurie give up her position as Grand Poo-Bah of Photo-Finish. That wouldn't do. How about some help though? How about a few trusted people that can get involved and handle various parts of the heavy off-season load?

Wouldn't it be nice if the Awards and YE Reports got done in a week, then the Auction in another week, then the Breeding and Foal Generation in the third week and we were all racing again in 21 days?

Seems like it could be done if several people were working on these items concurrently, with Laurie's overall supervision, of course.

Any possibility something like this can be done?


Jim Webber said...


Unknown said...

When it comes down to it Jim, if Laurie doesn't want the help then we can't give it. ;)

Anonymous said...

i think its a good idea jim pf has become alot bigger over the last say 3 seasons and since i joined has doubled in amount of players. one thing though i know laurie does need a little bit of down-time after a hectic season so i think if some players could hel[p her and finish it the time frame(or close too it) that you have put up plus let laurie have say at least 2 weeks down-time it would still be alot shorter then it currently is.

golden acres>.>.>

Anonymous said...

I dont mind the time we are having off at least i can sleep in and not get up early for results ;)

I dont know about u Sir Jim but if i have a bad week of results the rest of the week im in a bad mood ... At least this way im in less of a cranky mood ;)


Jim Webber said...

Who are you kidding Foxie? You don't have bad weeks!

P.S. Why don't you sell me Machine Gun?

Anonymous said...

Yes i do have bad weeks ... Well to me they are bad

Do i look mad ... Prolly 1 of my fav homebreds i have in my barn ... I dont mind my 1/2 to Heat Seeker either ;)


Spartan Racing Stables, Beotch! said...

I am soooooooooooo glad that there is NO down time in Derby Fever and a very small window of downtime in SIMhorseracing. I don't even miss PF during the off season. Having automated breeding in the other two games makes life so much easier that I really don't understand why PF doesn't find a way to build that into the programming. Use the money that Olmo sends in every year to breed 5000 mares and expand his never ending stable.