
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Let's all try to get real, OK?

Four races in 31 days.

If this particular horse does not scratch this weekend, it'll be her fourth race in 31 days.

My position as Photo Finish Chief Bully-Boy and Lord High Executioner demands that I address this breach of protocol. What would make a stable owner put such unreasonable demands on one of their horses?

It's not a new stable, so it can't be ignorance. In fact, the perpetrator is the owner of one of our most renowned stables, effectively ruling out poor management as well.

It really can't be greed since this stable has funds far exceeding my own, and I'm not exactly a pauper.

That leaves arrogance.

Do small strategies that most stables try to employ such as giving a horse adequate rest, using common sense, and adhering to some semblance of reality simply not apply in this stables case?

Sometimes these bad decisions come back to haunt you...


joshkayll said...

Who is it Jim?

Jim Webber said...

I don't wanna name names Josh. It can be figured out if you are curious enough. The horse did not scratch though so the hectic race schedule will be exactly as I said.

Anonymous said...

it is indeed a punishing schedule and she is down again this week ;) weather she races remains 2 be seen uncle jim-you keyboard bully you

Anonymous said...

very happy too see the insider back jimmy

Jim Webber said...

Yup, you'd think that 5th place finish on 7 days of rest would be a wake-up call. Evidently not, 'cause she's entered again with a slightly more respectable 23 days rest.