
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Winning small

I made mention of Acquarella a while ago as a lower level racer that I admired.  As of today, he has notched 14 victories, only one of which is GR1.  His lack of production at the highest levels has not lowered my respect for him in the least however.

I was looking over his racing history and noticed that in Stakes races, he has an impeccable 13-9-2-1 record, including 5 wins in his last 6 outings.  Even though they are ungraded races, if that kind of production doesn't get you excited, nothing will.

In addition, his PSR's seem to be getting better with age, with a 114, 101, and 103 in his last three races; at age 6 no less!  All three of those races were at his newly discovered pet distance of 7.5F.

I love GR1 wins as much as the next guy, but if you've got a good horse that can't win the big races, send them to me.  I'll take as many Acquarella's as I can get.

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