We are fortunate here at Otsego Farms to have three quality studs who can provide a tremendous genetic probability of obtaining a real stayer. All three had significant success on the track and had the steam to do 16 furlongs.
Nightwing, who excelled on both dirt and turf, has an AR distance line that reads, "Handles 10 furlongs to 16 furlongs. Best distance 16 furlongs." As a stud, he has been generally underutilized in the past. Perhaps that will change with the success that Daredevil and Goodbye COV are experiencing. AVAILABLE at $25,000.
Union Jack, is primarily a turfer, but his AR states that he is Good, OK, Good on the three dirt categories. Distance-wise he is reported as handling, "10 furlongs to 16 furlongs." His AR does not state a best distance, but he has run successfully at 16 furlongs and holds the World Record at 14 furlongs. AVAILABLE at $50,000.
And most suprisingly, the AR for War Machine, who was mostly known for his exploits at 10 furlongs, states that he "Handles 10 furlongs to 16 furlongs. Best distance 16 furlongs." His offspring A View To A Kill, who is out of 16 furlong capable Dancing Delaware, shows off the potential of getting a stayer if matched with an appropriate dam. GENERALLY UNAVAILABLE except under special circumstances.
Breeding is always a gamble. Sprinters can pop out at the most inopportune times. But, these guys will put the odds in your favor if competing in the longer races is your goal.
Otsego Farms - The Superheroes of Racing - We Think 16.
Nightwing, who excelled on both dirt and turf, has an AR distance line that reads, "Handles 10 furlongs to 16 furlongs. Best distance 16 furlongs." As a stud, he has been generally underutilized in the past. Perhaps that will change with the success that Daredevil and Goodbye COV are experiencing. AVAILABLE at $25,000.
Union Jack, is primarily a turfer, but his AR states that he is Good, OK, Good on the three dirt categories. Distance-wise he is reported as handling, "10 furlongs to 16 furlongs." His AR does not state a best distance, but he has run successfully at 16 furlongs and holds the World Record at 14 furlongs. AVAILABLE at $50,000.
And most suprisingly, the AR for War Machine, who was mostly known for his exploits at 10 furlongs, states that he "Handles 10 furlongs to 16 furlongs. Best distance 16 furlongs." His offspring A View To A Kill, who is out of 16 furlong capable Dancing Delaware, shows off the potential of getting a stayer if matched with an appropriate dam. GENERALLY UNAVAILABLE except under special circumstances.
Breeding is always a gamble. Sprinters can pop out at the most inopportune times. But, these guys will put the odds in your favor if competing in the longer races is your goal.
Otsego Farms - The Superheroes of Racing - We Think 16.
Ahhh yes Jim to true about sprintes i have gotten some sprinters from the most unlikely breeding pairs but so far i have got a " Long " from Nightwing and a " Classic " from WM now lets hope Union Jack can give me something like the other 2 have
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