
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Be reasonable. Do it my way.

This is a transcript of a recent telephone conversation between Otsego Farms owner Jim Webber and another stable owner (SO) who shall remain unidentified.


JW: Hello. This is Jim Webber speaking.

SO: Hi Jim, this is **** *****. Have you got a few minutes to talk?

JW: Sure ****. I've gotta get down to the training barn by 2:30 to check on Nebula, but I can spare a few minutes. What's on your mind?

SO: There has been a formal complaint lodged against Otsego Farms for an unauthorized horse purchase last season. I got wind of it and thought I'd give you a heads-up.

JW: What the f*** are you talking about?

SO: You made a private offer and bought *** directly from the owner when he was concurrently for sale via auction.

JW: Yeah. So what? Is that illegal?

SO: Well, no. Of course not.

JW: Then what is the problem?

SO: Evidently, some owners feel that you and others who employ this tactic are acting unethically. They feel that by shortcutting the auction, you are gaining an unfair advantage. Furthermore, they feel that this strategy, when employed by a veteran stable, may exacerbate the feelings of inferiority that some new stables experience.

JW: You're not serious.

SO: Ummm...yes I am.

JW: Hmmm. Well that certainly makes one think. How about this as a compromise? I'll keep doing exactly what I want, and you can tell them to *** ****.



**** ***** 0f ***** ***** said...

Really.! Really? I'm glad I found a little itty bitty part of this game that irritates you that much that you have to put together a whole article about it.

Jim Webber said...

Don't flatter yourself ****. This topic and my irritation with it was around long before you graced us with your presence.

Anonymous said...

ZOMG hahahahaha that was funny

JW: What the f*** are you talking about?

I see no problem in people doin what u do Jim only the new stables have a problem but i guess u will have to put up with those calls alot hehe



Amanda O'Brien said...

I told you to get the phone tap in place ;) I have sold a couple of horses that way before these new moaning stables came in and no one complained then! Funny how its all gotta be their way or the highway...