
Monday, March 28, 2016

Big brother is watching...

I hate anonymous comments.  If you have something snarky to say, then at least have the balls to attach your name to it.

I've installed comment moderation on the blog.  So... anonymous comments will not happen any more.

Hopefully, this will not inhibit constructive comments, be they positive or critical.


Jim Webber said...

Our anonymous friend struck again, but his/her caustic opinions won't ever see the light of day.

He contends that becaused I don't agree with his views, so I'm using my influence over this blog to freeze him/her out. That is untrue. I am tolerant of all views, as long as they are made in a respectful manner. This person continually uses put-downs and sarcasm as his tools, and I'm not going to allow that.

I won't even give him the pleasure of using any of the quotations he made in his latest rant, but believe me when I tell you that he has a very low opinion of many of us who play this game.

So... whoever you are, crawl out from under your rock and go ahead and repeat your exact message on the Forum, where you will not have the cover of anonymity to hide behind.

Jim Webber said...

He sent an email apologizing. He is sorry for his rash comments.

Unknown said...

Well jim I have known you over 10 years, and in that time we have had our differences in opinon's but never would I or most other players believe that....